Mixed berry yogurt gelée

It’s gotten awfully nippy in London in the last week, and I’ve had to start wearing scarves again. I’d been holding off on my scarf wearing, simply because in the strange world that is my mind, it’s not autumn until I have to resort to scarves. But sadly, summer is now well and truly over, and my (rather extensive) scarf collection will be put to good use again.

As some of you may know, I have an immense backlog when it comes to blog posts. As I was looking through it, I saw photos of the mixed berry yogurt gelée that I made recently – and thought it was the perfect post to bid goodbye to summer.

I’m a huge fan of yogurt (there’s always yogurt in my fridge), and I use in many ways – a simple snack, dips, curries, desserts… And the list goes on. So, its no surprise that I was immediately drawn to the idea of yogurt gelée when I saw it on Heather’s blog.

Rather coincidentally, the people at Total contacted me, and asked if I would like to try their range of yogurts. Maybe they knew of my love for yogurt? Anyway, what caught my attention was the claim that their 2% and 10% greek yogurt would not split when cooked. As I mentioned above, I use yogurt to cook curries (because its muchhh healthier than using coconut cream regularly), but have always found that they split – leaving a slightly “bitty” curry. It doesn’t affect the taste, but let’s face it: it’s not very attractive.

Photo courtesy of Total

So, I figured that the best way to “test” Total’s yogurt was to put it to the hob. And I am pleased to report that it is a lot more resistant to splitting than any other yogurt I’ve used in the past. After using the whole range (they do it in full fat 10%, 2% and 0%) in a number of recipes, I found that the full fat version was beautifully un-splittable even when heated over high heat. The 0% version did split, but this was only after a good few minutes of it bubbling happily on the high heat (plus, they never claimed that the fat free version was unsplittable anyway).

Of course, the gelée requires the yogurt to be heated, and I’m very glad I chose to use the full fat yogurt as it turned out beautifully. The mixed berries are placed into the containers first then flash frozen in the freezer before the yogurt layer is poured on top of it. This gives you lovely distinct layers. If you get impatient and do it before the berry layer is properly frozen, you get slightly ‘smudged’ lines (like me)…

Do note that I didn’t use any gelatine in the berry layer, which means that tastes like a chilled berry coulis when you come to eating it. If you want to have both layers in jelly form, add 1/2 tsp gelatine (dissolved in 1 tbsp water) to the mixed berry mixture.

Mixed berry yogurt gelée
Adapted from this recipe on Sprinkle Bakes

For the mixed berry puree layer:

  • 250g mixed berries (I used frozen mixed berries from Waitrose)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 tbsp sugar (you may need to use more/less depending on how sweet/tart your berries are)

For the yogurt gelée layer:

  • 2 cups Greek yogurt (I used Total)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste – optional (you can also use vanilla extract/half a vanilla bean)
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp gelatine
  • 2 tbsp cold water

1. Place berries and the honey in a food processor or blender, and whizz until it forms a smooth puree.

2. Taste the puree, and add the sugar according to how sweet you want it to be.

3. Pour the mixed berry puree into your containers (you can use anything from ramekins to glasses to mugs – obviously something see through will be best so you can see the layers and colours), and place in the freezer.*

4. Whilst your mixed berry puree is setting in the freezer, make the yogurt gelée. Pour the water into a small bowl, and sprinkle the gelatine over the bowl. Set aside for a few minutes to allow it to bloom.

5. Combine the yogurt, vanilla (if using) and sugar in a pan and stir to combine. Heat over medium high heat until it thins, this should take anywhere between 3-5 minutes.

6. Add the gelatine mixture to the yogurt mixture, and stir to combine. ** Remove the pan from the heat, and let the yogurt mixture cool slightly. (It should not be piping hot when you pour it into the containers.)

7. Remove your containers from the freezer, and layer the yogurt mixture on top of the mixed berry puree.

8. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, and serve. This recipe makes 6 ramekins/5 ramekins + 2 shot glasses worth of gelée.

*To make a ’tilted’ layer: When freezing your mixed berry layer, place your glasses/containers in a larger bowl so it is tilted – and gravity does the rest for you!

** Heather microwaves the bloomed gelatine mixture for 10 seconds (it will turn liquid), but I didn’t do this as errr…. I have the tendency to burn things in the microwave.

46 thoughts on “Mixed berry yogurt gelée”

  1. OH, so pretty!! I just love the color (and tilt!) of the berry puree. You’ve made me want to make this again so I can eat it while dreaming of warm destinations. I have much ambivalence towards cooler weather…

    I love that brand of yogurt too – I have some chillin’ out in the fridge. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you like it! 🙂 I always worry a bit when I modify recipes, never know how the original recipe owner will feel.

      This was a fantastic recipe though, so simple and dare I say – healthy? Definitely something I’m going to make again.

  2. That was a delicious mess Su…. Mixing Greek yoghurt with condensed milk and orange juice would set it to a creamy pudding too….Yum, love Greek Yoghurts too! The people at Total are very kind to send you their products to sample!

    1. Oooh that’s a great idea! Condensed milk is only like, one of my favourite things ever. I have a squeeze bottle of it in my fridge, and I use it in way too many things! 😛 Thanks for the great tip!

  3. Beautiful picture!! I love this recipe. Great farewell to summer.

    It’s still hot where I am, so I can still use this recipe for a few more weeks.

    1. Thank you! It was the best way I could think of to say goodbye to the sun… On the bright side, it’s now time for crumbles and stews. 🙂

      Do try this, am sure you’ll love it.

  4. Oh yeah! Definitely going to make this one. Love it! So great to have desserts that are on the healthier side once and a while without sacrificing the taste. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh, what an awesome dessert! I love the tilted look and the frozen berries on the plate. I’m a bit of a yoghurt freak myself so i’m sure i would love it. Where is mine? You didn’t save me some!? Again? .. Fine, i still like you but next time think of me, k? 🙂

    Nice photography too!

    1. Coming from you, that’s praise indeed! Don’t worry, one day I will either find myself in NY, or you will be in London – and we’ll cook up a storm together. 🙂 I only want to try like, all of your dishes. Lol.

  6. Oh no splitting?! That’s great. It looks good too. I’m loving the last shot of a ravished yoghurt gelee. Ps. I need to try yoghurt in curries.

  7. Su-yin! This is my type of desserts, too! I made something similar using Aran’s recipe LOOONNNG ago:


    So, I’d reckon this type of chilled dessert makes perfect summer treat and a good way to bid farewell to summer and welcome fall. (Oh, I hate how that feels! I went through that myself when I was in the States!)

    I love Greek yogurt! The one I’d tasted was super thick and tarter than normal ones, which I don’t mind. You lucky girl! Got to try quality yogurt like this!

    Btw, hope you had a great Mid-Autumn Festival! Ate any mooncake? Meant to send you a quick message the other day but Twitter on my side went bonkers! Argh!

    Stay warm!

    1. I haven’t had any mooncakes yet! 😦 Am going home next month though, and parents have kept some for me to have when I’m back – so yay for that.

      Greek yogurt is definitely my choice yogurt, thick and creamy is always a win. 🙂

    1. I usually use Greek yogurt for curries (I tend to use whatever brand is cheapest at the time, not sure about fat content), but if I heat them they always split. Same goes for milk – only ever drink semi-skimmed milk so can’t comment on full fat.

      Guess that’s the good thing about this brand, it actually didn’t split despite me heating it to a boil! I was pleasantly surprised, didn’t expect it.

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